Upcoming Event:

Mindfulness at The Physic Garden in Petersfield

Saturday 1st & 8th July 10.30-3.30pm 2023 (2-day course)

In today’s world, opportunities to slow down and pause can be rare and yet golden. Petersfield’s hidden gem of a beautiful medicinal garden offers the perfect location to do just this: unwind, breathe, and reflect on what we find meaningful.

This 2-day course in mindfulness will guide participants in developing increased self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a greater sense of ease and well-being. With an emphasis on self-kindness, we will learn a variety of mindfulness meditations and practical ways to integrate mindfulness into daily activities at work, home and in relationships.

The course will include:

• Training in meditation, developing awareness of breath, body, feelings and thoughts.

• Managing stress and learning how to shift from reaction to response.

• Recognising and letting go of unhelpful habitual thoughts and mind states.

• Exploring, understanding and working with a range of emotional experience.

• Active listening and engaging in meaningful communication

• Resilience through cultivation of compassion for self and others

Each day will include guided meditation practices and exercises, small group discussion, home practice for sustained learning and plenty of opportunity for questions and dialogue.

Saturday 1st July July 10.30-3.30pm


Saturday 8th July 10.30-3.30pm

£90 (£45 per day)

Attendance to both days is encouraged. We will be using the Physic Garden’s exhibition space but also making good use of the tranquil gardens during breaks and for some guided movement practice (weather permitting)

For further information or to book please get in touch.