Contemplative Pedagogy Network Symposium 2023:

‘Contemplative Pedagogy in Higher Education: Growing Confidence, Creativity and Community’

Venue: Dartington Hall, Totnes, UK (map)

Dates: Monday 4th - Wednesday 6th September 2023

This 3-day residential symposium is an opportunity for Higher Education educators to discover, further and share understandings and experiences of contemplative pedagogy (Barbezat & Bush, 2014) and its more spacious and transformative ways of knowing and being. In the beautiful surroundings of Dartington Hall in Devon, South-West England, educators will come together, connect, replenish and create possibilities for a higher education beyond ‘accountability, standardisation and performativity’ (Ergas, 2017), one that contributes to feeling alive, ‘animate’, intrinsically fulfilled and interconnected, with self, others, and the more-than-human world (Bai, 2020).

The symposium will weave workshops with invited speakers and open sessions for inquiry, sharing experiences and discussion, kindness, rest and conviviality. Confirmed guest speakers are Dr. Jo Trelfa (Principle of Iron Mill College) and Dr. Louise Livingstone (Heart Sense Research Institute).

The Journal of Useful Investigations into Creative Education ( JUICE ) will be supporting the Contemplative Pedagogy Network in the promotion of the symposium by publishing a special issue to curate and disseminate the conference proceedings. Please follow this link for further information on this.

Cost: £334 (this includes all food, accommodation and the event)

Early Bird Price: £314 for the first 18 places booked.

To book please call Dartington Hall on 01803 847121 quoting “Contemplative Pedagogy Network” – full payment will be required in order to confirm your place.


Bai, H. (2020). ‘A Critical Reflection on Environmental Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic’. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 5x(x), x.

Barbezat, D. P. and Bush, M. (2014). Contemplative Practices in Higher Education: Powerful Methods to Transform Teaching and Learning. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons

Ergas, O. (2017) Reconstructing ‘Education’ through Mindful Attention – Positioning the Mind at the Centre of Curriculum and Pedagogy. London: Palgrave Macmillan